Fresh Picks

From the world of colors and paper.

plakát podle vkusu

How to choose posters according to your taste and lifestyle

Posters aren't just a decoration on the wall - they're a way to express your taste, personality and lifestyle. The right poster for your tastes can give a space a unique feel while reflecting your...

umístění plakátu v místnosti

Where to place the poster? The best places indoors

Posters can create a distinctive element in the interior that adds style, personality and a unique atmosphere to the space. But where is the best place to display them to really make them stand ou...

plakát dominantní prvek místnosti

Poster as a dominant element of the room: how to display it correctly?

Posters have the unique ability to transform the look of a room. If chosen and placed correctly, it can become not only an aesthetic accessory, but also a focal point that immediately catches the ...

plakát pro děti

Posters for children's rooms: how to choose them by age?

The children's room is the place where children play, learn, relax and discover the world. Decorations play a key role in how they feel in this space, and posters are an ideal way to adapt a child...

Jak kombinovat různé styly plakátů v jednom prostoru?

How to combine different poster styles in one space?

Interior decorating with posters offers a wealth of possibilities. Combining poster styles can bring a unique atmosphere, a distinctive style and an expression of your individuality to a space. Ho...

Plakáty do kanceláře: Jak vytvořit inspirativní pracovní prostředí Informace

Posters for the office: How to create an inspiring work environment

The office is where we spend a significant part of our day, and its environment can have a profound effect on our productivity and mood. One of the easiest ways to make your workspace feel more in...